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Multipurpose Website templates. Getting started with Novi Builder (uploading the builder)

George Jones January 27, 2017
Rating: 4.0/5. From 3 votes.
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This tutorial will show you how to get started with Novi Builder by uploading it to server.

  1. Use FTP or File Manager and create a ‘builder’ folder inside the root directory of your HTML site .

  2. In this example we are going to use File Manager for Novi Builder uploading.

  3. Open the newly created ‘builder’ folder and click on the Upload button.

  4. Upload all the content from ‘builder’ folder on your PC. You can zip each folder to speed up the uploading process.

  5. In this example we are going to use FileZilla for Novi Builder uploading.

  6. Connect to your FTP, upload all the content from ‘builder’ folder on your computer to the ‘builder’ directory on your hosting server.

  7. When uploading is done, go to your site and enter your_domain_name/builder/starbis into the browser bar. Novi Builder will show up in couple of seconds…


Have a look at our collection of premium website templates!

Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

Multipurpose Website templates. Getting started with Novi Builder (uploading the builder)
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